compressible-map 0.1.6

A hash map that allows compressing the least recently used values.

Compressible Map

A hash map that allows compressing the least recently used values. Useful when you need to store a lot of large values in memory. You can either use the "bincode_lz4" feature to get a default compression algorithm for serializable values, or define your own compression method for the value type using the Compressible and Decompressible traits.

Example: Single-threaded Compression and Access

fn main() {
    // Using the "bincode_lz4" feature to compress any serializable types.
    let compression_level = 10;
    let mut map = CompressibleMap::new_bincode_lz4(compression_level);

    for i in 0..100 {
        map.insert(i, BigValue::new());

    // Save some memory by compressing half of the values.
    for _ in 0..50 {

    // Read some values, some are already cached and some will be decompressed
    // into the cache.
    for i in 25..75 {

Example: Multi-threaded Decompression and Access

use crossbeam::{channel, thread};

fn main() {
    // Populate the map.
    let mut map = CompressibleMap::<_, _, _>::new(());
    for i in 0..100 {
        map.insert(i, BigValue::new());

    // Compress half of the values.
    for _ in 0..50 {

    // Note that we can't share a local cache among threads, but we **can** share the map!
    let map_ref = &map;
    let (tx, rx) = channel::unbounded();
        // Set up channels to send the thread-local caches back to main thread so we can update the
        // global cache.
        let mut txs = Vec::new();
        for _ in 0..99 {
        let txs_ref = &txs;

        thread::scope(|s| {
            for i in 0..100 {
                s.spawn(move |_| {
                    // Borrow a big value. It can either live in the global cache, the local cache,
                    // or neither, requiring decompression inline. After decompression, we can't
                    // modify the global cache, so we modify the local one.
                    let local_cache = LocalCache::new();
                    let big_value = map_ref.get_const(i, &local_cache);

                    // Do something with big value...

                    // Send the local cache back to the main thread.
                    txs_ref[i as usize].send(local_cache).unwrap();

    loop {
        match rx.recv() {
            Ok(cache) => map.flush_local_cache(cache),
            Err(_) => {

    assert_eq!(map.len_cached(), 100);